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Welcome to a world of heart magic. 

Transform via ceremonial cacao, embodied earth wisdom & heart-centered communal healing.

The mission of Rakas Kakaw goes beyond the science of cacao as a superfood, into the ethics of decolonizing cacao & building heart-centered community. 


Consuming cacao offers physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits. This can help transform the quality of your life drastically.

In addition to selling and working with ceremonial cacao we aspire to

  • create supportive and safe spaces for communal healing

  • reconnect with our Finnish nature, old culture & medicinal food plants 

  • guide people to remember the divinity within themselves; to embody honouring and loving yourself.

Our goal through this work is to build a better future for our communities - in right relation not just with all peoples & with our sacred earth home, but with all of existence.

Our Products & Offerings


Ethical, single-ingredient criollo ceremonial cacao.



The cacao we import from Guatemala is the most ethical cocoa or cacao product on the market today.  We source our cacao exclusively from indigenous-owned farms & producers. It's very important to us that the cacao we consume & share with you is made with respect & reciprocity - both for the environment and for the Mayan people who plant, farm, harvest and produce this cacao. To read more about what makes our cacao 100% ethical and why these factors matter for you, for the earth & for future generations, click the button below.



Cacao has transformed my life. My morning routine has become a sacred ritual of consciously

preparing this medicinal drink. I am so present as I melt the chocolate and add whatever ingredients call me that day. When ready I thank mother earth, father sky and the four directions for this medicine and set my daily intention.

This whole ritual affects my entire day.


I’ve had a couple of dysautonomic flare-ups and managed to make a tiny amount to drink and after a while I’ve been able to be back on my feet...I share some with my friend who has fibromyalgia who’s accustomed to heavy painkillers and she was majorly surprised by the relief she got, even noting how she felt her tense neck muscles finally giving in and getting some blood flow to the brain...I’m honestly floored that the cacao is working so incredibly well and I haven’t had to rely on nerve painkillers or muscle relaxants.


If you have the possibility to join [this Sister] Circle [on Saturday] I very much recommend giving yourself this gift. Facilitator, Nicole, Is such a beautiful space holder with so much grounded knowledge about the medicine of cacao.

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