Rakas Kakaw
A women-founded,
heart-centred business.
Rakas Kakaw, Beloved Cacao.
Rakas is a Finnish word that translates to ‘beloved’ in English. Ka’kaw is the spelling for the word cacao in some Mayan languages. In our name, we felt called to bring together the Finnish & Mayan cultures - in order to build a brand rooted in respect & heart connection.
At Rakas Kakaw, we are focused on healing emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically, together.
We sell ethical, single-ingredient Mayan Ceremonial Cacao, imported by our company directly to Finland from indigenous-owned collectives in Guatemala. We also organise community and private cacao gatherings, healing circles, and one-on-one sessions - guided by our Founder & Lead Facilitator, Nicole Flora Cramer.
Purpose & Mission
Why do we do what we do?
The mission of Rakas Kakaw goes beyond the health benefits of drinking cacao, into the ethics and energy of decolonizing cacao. By investing in and educating on these products, we will not only financially empower the original guardians of cacao, thereby investing in regenerative agriculture that supports ecosystems; we hope to also awaken consumers to the harm caused via the purchase of mainstream unethical cocoa and cacao products.
In addition to selling authentic Mayan Ceremonial Cacao and educating on its proper use, we also organize Cacao Circles, Cacao & Dance events & Intimate Retreats for communities, individuals & private groups to:
foster (re)connection with our local nature, indigenous culture & medicinal food plants;
reinforce the power of communal healing;
encourage remembrance of the divinity & interconnectedness within all creation, via teachings passed on from Mayan wisdom keepers.
Our goal through this work is to build a better future for our communities - in harmony not just with all peoples and with our sacred earth home, but with all of existence.
These are some of our core values at Rakas Kakaw. These values root us, inspire our ethical standards, and inform how we build our business and our community.